Monday, February 23, 2009

School Sucks

All right, I know I screwed up. Yes, I should have gone back to school like a good little girl. I know. But seriously? Expel me because I didnt go to school? What gives?

Today I went to school for the first time in 2 weeks. The teachers were not happy. It was like walking into a graveyard at midnight every single hour. It sucked. But during my 7th hour Odessyware class (where I get to do my online courses during school time) I was cornered by Mrs. Hein and Mrs. Nickelson. They told me that they were 'concerned about the situation and how your absence impacts other students in your classes' and how 'you not coming to school is not my business but when you influence the teachers it becomes my business' both quotes by Mrs. Nickelson. They told me that if I miss any more days of school I will be turminated. Then, after the 'meeting' I went to the bathroom and called my counceler and told her about it. She wants me to get all the days I've missed so far this past year and get the ones I can excused. What good will that do? They'll just come up with some other excuse to kick me out. Its like they WANT me to fail. And frankly, I'm really sick of it. I dont feel like putting up with this bullcrap anymore. But I know I have to graduate. After I came out of the bathroom Mrs. Hein wanted me to talk about 'personal issues' and how they're impacting my school. I told her as much as I could without telling her everything, basically dodging around the subjects she presented with 'I don't know's and 'we'll see's. She didnt buy it but the bell rang before she could get me into her inner office. I like having that time in her outer office during 7th hour because then I have some time to just chill for awhile while doing my online school work.

I asked Jake for help, but we ended up talking the whole time. Mostly dodging subjects that are for serious relationships and talking about whats happened for the past few weeks. Gosh was it really only the 15th that we broke up? It seems like longer. But amazingly, I dont mind. It bugs me to a point, but I'm not a heap of nothingness. I dont break down when I see his picture in my locker or binder, I dont go all sniffly when talking about him. I'm pretty proud of myself for that fact. Because that means that I really CAN live without him. And thats a good thing.

In crochet news, they blocked the 'ville at school. Which is probably a good thing since i spent too much time on there. But I mean seriously, Crochetville? Its a bunch of gals (and a few guys) that all CROCHET. Whats so bad about that? Oh yes, 'I shall stab you with my hook my pretty, and make your dog into a new scarf, ehehehehe'. Ok, little wizard of oz joke there but you get my meaning. But I guess its for the best. I need to figure out a way to get all my school stuff done first before I crochet. I've actually had grandma hide most of my hooks! I have like 2 that are still out because they have projects stuck to them, but still! Thats pretty serious.

Well, just wanted to rant for a bit. Oh, and by the way, that little Calorie Counter thing to the right is not working properly for anyone who looks at it. I have to figure out the settings and such but when I do I'll post about it. Night everyone.


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