Saturday, February 28, 2009


*Note: By reading the word 'yawn' 95% of you will yawn. Now, you'll yawn 4 times. Arnt I just evil? :D*

Its been a tiring, dreary, I-didnt-want-out-of-bed kind of week. Actually, its been that kind of month. But hopefully, with the start of March, things will start to look up. And, again, I hope, with the start of March I'll have my craft blog up complete with pictures, patterns, and recipies. Spirit, the maker of this blog as well, has been persistantly working on a craft blog for me even though I told her not to. But, of course, she is. Which I think is ok because this blog is kinda younger generationish and I dont want my C'ville buddies getting the wrong impression of me. I like this style, a lot, but still. With the flashy colors and stuff its kinda hard to read sometimes, even for me. But I still love it. So yeah, anyway, I'll probably be doing a lot of posting tomorrow. Night, everyone.


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