Saturday, May 23, 2009

I wish this spinning would stop.....

I dont know why but my head keeps spinning. Ever since I took my shower and then put lotion on. I think this lotion is not very good for me or something. Usually I dont like to put lotion on, because it gets greesy, but I do after my showers. But for some reason this stuff just doesnt agree with me. I dont know. I havnt been feeling right the past coupple days now. I feel tierd, and I dont want to do anything. I feel like no matter what I do it'll still be wrong, so why bother? Jake is suposed to come sometime but nothing is certain now. I dont know what to think. He keeps saying that he'll get here. I wish that I could figure it out. I'm feeling really tierdly random. I want to write but I dont want to write. I dont know what to do. Maybe I'll go take another shower.


Chibi said...

Maybe you're just a bit sick? Or you took a shower that was too hot (sometimes I get really dizzy if there's too much steam in the room) or you're not getting enough sleep. Really, though, it sounds like you've got a touch of the flu and a little depression to boot. I hope you feel better soon!

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