Monday, June 29, 2009

Some Jokes

Well, today was a pretty good day. We got to lay around and watch TV and then went and got us some candy and CHOCOLATE. All day Jake had been telling me some jokes. So I thought I'd share.

Farrah Fawcett died recently, and went to heaven. God saw her, and said,
"You have lead a very respectable life, considering all your hardships. I will grant you one wish, and do my best to make it so."
Farrah thought for a moment, then said,
"The one thing that I wish for the most is that all the children of the world be safe."

So Michael Jackson died.


So did you hear about the real story? About Michael Jackson's death? Yeah, he died of food poisoning.

He ate a 7 yr old weiner.


Thats all I can think of right now... TTYL yall....


Spirit said...

Mow, I love these. :D LOL. Took me a second to catch the last one though but the first one was fricking awesome.

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