Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Wish That Boy Would Stay Out of My HEAD!

All right. I broke my own rules yesterday and talked to him. I had promised myself NOT to because I didnt want to be hurt. It went all right, no painful feelings, and I told him that I wanted to pay for the Computer. We agreed on a price and left it at that. Simple right? Well last night I was having a flying dream, I just wanted to get away so I was flying. All of a sudden I crash landed in this place, right through the ceiling. I landed in frount of a door, so I went in. There was Jake sitting on the bed with a picture of me in his hand. He looked up and said, "I was woundering when you'd show up." He put my picture face down in a drawer and looked up at me. He said, " I dont want you to pay for those things. I gave them to you for a reason, and I want you to keep them." I told him I wasnt looking for cherity, and it was different when we were dating. He said " I still want you to just take them. I gave them to you because you didnt have anything. The computer especially." We talked for awhile more, and ended up fighting. I mean I screamed at him, 'Why are you doing this?! I just want to be left alone!' And he screamed back, "Because I still love you!" I remember I spread my wings and whispered, "Don't." before flying out of there. I woke up with a sore throat and I was crying.

I dont know if that was a purpousful dream or not, but I have a feeling it was. I'm going to have to switch up CDs or something so that he cant follow my sleep patterns, even on accident. I cant deal with even dreaming about him right now. He hurt me way to badly. I cant deal with it! Well, I can because I obviously am, but still. Why cant he just stay out of my dreams? Stay away? Thats what he wanted, to be away from me. Otherwise he would have accepted my offer.


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