Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Boy, its been awhile since I have posted on my blog. Life just tends to get busy and things like this get pushed to the background. But thats ok, I guess. Not many people really look at my blog anyway XD

Well, lets see. Jake's here. *dances* he's actually here HERE and not only for a few days. He's spending the summer with me! We've been waiting for this for a year and a half, and finally, FINALLY we're here. Right now he's on his way home from work, and he should be home soon. I hope. We had a rough night last night, I passed out and we went to the emergency room. They found out that I had an inner ear slash sinus infection, whatever that means. I'm kinda skeptical because the doctor that diagnosed me doesnt know english very well so I think all he knows how to say is 'sinus infection' but they discharged me so maybe i really do have one.

I've decided to quit smoking. Its been rough, especialy since I have cravings like ALL THE TIME but I gues if I really want to quit i'll get over it. I'm heading a Crochet Along on my crochet forum but I dont know if thats going to help me. Ultimately, it is my decision.

Right now though I think I'm going to go work on my purse. I'm pretty tierd. TTYL.


Chibi said...

Firstly, I really like the picture of that girl. It's very pretty. :)

Secondly, good on you for deciding to quit smoking! It will be incredibly hard, no doubt, but also incredibly worth it. Have you looked into the numerous methods they have to help, such as gum or the inhaler and things like that? I've heard they can be easier than just going 'cold turkey'. Either way, I really hope you can succeed.

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