Monday, September 21, 2009

Came up with a name-Roxy

This dog has become a master of scratching and running at the same time. I just got her a collar, because in town every dog has to have a collar and tags (still working on the second part) and she despises it. She's continuously scratching, no matter what. She has come up with a game to chase the cats and she runs and scratches at the same time. Sometimes she just plops down and scraches at it, then continues running. Its rather interesting to see four cats being chased by a dog smaller than their poo (and for Midnight, my biggest cat, that is totally true!)

Things are doing all right otherwise. Today was court for Mike, and Howard appeared by phone. After an hour and a half of courtroom mumbo jumbo, the decision was that he was to stay in Badgerland as a full time patient. Which is a good thing, since he wanted it that way. In three weeks there will be another court hearing, this time to see if he can go home. I highly doubt he's going to be able to come home right away like that, but here's to hoping. then, we got the oppertunity to take him back to Eau Clare. From Neilsville. An hour and a half drive. *sigh* but we went, got dogfood, and came home. Now that stupid yipper wouldnt shut up when we dropped in because I had to go to the bathroom (breakfast of Burger King wasnt very good for the tummy) so we took her along. And she would not sit still for anyone else but me. Once we got home, all she did was follow me around for an hour before finally settling down, and going and doing her own thing. Speaking of which, I should probably go find her......... ROXY!!!!!!!!


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