Monday, September 7, 2009

Well, I did some cleaning today and guess what, the shower is supposed to be WHITE!! We went and got some scrubbing bubbles from Walmart and man it really worked. After lots of scrubbing, lots of working, and lots of the stuff, I can see tile! It was pretty bad. But I got it clean, plus I mowed the back half of the yard. We also went to see Mike, and he's doing pretty good. Doesnt like the food, but what place has good food besides home? He also had a coupple of my cigarettes, (yes I'm smoking again, more than I ever did) and we went to walmart. I also got a digital camera, though fourgot to take a memory card as well. So now tomorrow I have to make a run to somewhere to get one so that I can have a digital camera.

I'm also in a crocheting mood, but I dont know what to make. Everything just seems like its either too much work or something. I dont know. I just want to do SOMETHING but nothing seems to quell the need. I dont know. Maybe I need to just go to sleep and go to school tomorrow.


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